Spinal Screenings In Pleasant Hills PA


Prioritize your spinal health with our thorough spinal screenings at Balanced Health Chiropractic. Our experienced Pleasant Hills PA chiropractors utilize advanced screening techniques to assess spinal alignment, identify potential issues, and create personalized care plans.


Early Detection: Spinal screenings enable early identification of misalignments or issues before they escalate.

Preventive Care: Regular screenings contribute to preventive spinal care, addressing concerns proactively.

Customized Treatment: Results from screenings guide our chiropractors in creating tailored care plans to address your specific needs.

How It Works:

During a spinal screening, our chiropractors use non-invasive methods to evaluate the alignment of your spine. This may include posture analysis, range of motion tests, and other specialized assessments to identify any areas of concern.

Reasons to Receive Pleasant Hills PA Spinal Screenings:

Pain Prevention: Screenings can help identify potential sources of pain and discomfort before they become severe.

Posture Correction: Address postural issues early on to prevent long-term spinal misalignments.

Optimizing Wellness: Regular screenings contribute to overall wellness by ensuring your spine is in optimal condition.


Frequency depends on individual factors, but screenings are often recommended annually or as part of routine chiropractic check-ups.


1:30pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Balanced Health Chiropractic

850 Clairton Blvd # 3200
Pleasant Hills, PA 15236

(412) 466-4930